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About us

● Rreth Bimer Group

Veprimtaria jonë është shitja me shumicë e produkteve kozmetike, higjenike dhe ushqimore në tregun e Kosovës. Veprojmë në tregun e Kosoves si Bimer Group SHPK që nga viti 2010. Filluam punën si një biznes i vogël familjar, duke e vazhduar traditën familjare të të bërit biznes. Filluam me distribuimin e brendit Aura Cosmetics duke u zgjeruar në treg gjatë këtyre viteve me 12 brende tjera.

● Qëllimi jonë

është t’ju ofrojm klienteve tonë laramani të gjerë të produkteve me kualitet te lartë dhe në hap me kohën. Produktet tona gjinden nëpër markete, kozmetika, barnatore dhe sallone ondullimi në tërë territorin e Kosovës. Dallojm për nga ofrimi i produkteve kualitative, duke i perzegjur me kujdes të veçante nga stafi i kualifikuar, ku ekipa jonë janë kryesisht mosha të reja që kanë përvojë dhe energji të madhe për punë dhe ambicie për prefeksion. Klientet e kënaqur dhe besnik janë motivi për ne që të ecim së bashku përpara së me produktet me të rejat duke ju pershtatur edhe kerkesave te tregut. Produktet të cilat I importojm janë të kualitetit me të lartë në treg, te certifikuara dhe të mbrojtura me ISO Standarde nga shtetet si Greqia, Bullgaria, Turqia, Serbia. Ne i kemi deri tani rreth 2000 blerës

Bimer Group Sh.P.K.

Bimer Group Sh.P.K. Bimer Group Sh.P.K. is a specialized company that engages in the wholesale distribution of cosmetic, hygiene, and food products. Our operations have been active in Kosovo since 2010. We embarked on our journey as a modest family enterprise, upholding the longstanding traditions of our family in the business realm. Our initial focus was on introducing the Aura Cosmetics brand to the market, and over the course of several years, we have successfully augmented our assortment to encompass a total of 12 additional brands.
Our main purpose revolves around furnishing our clientele with an extensive array of premium products that seamlessly align with contemporary trends. These products are readily accessible across various marketplaces, cosmetics boutiques, pharmacies, and hair salons spanning the entire expanse of Kosovo.
What distinguishes us is our unwavering commitment to furnishing products of the highest quality. This commitment is mirrored in our meticulous product curation process, undertaken by our proficient staff, and is underpinned by our dedicated customer service. Our team, which comprises youthful and dynamic individuals, boasts a wealth of experience and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. Through the passage of these years, we have triumphed in cultivating the trust of a substantial clientele numbering over 2000. Their resounding endorsement of our quality and service serves as an ongoing wellspring of motivation, impelling us to forge ahead and adapt in accordance with market dynamics and requisites. The merchandise we import attests to an elevated caliber; these products hold certifications and adhere to ISO standards. They hail from countries including Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Serbia.
With a vigorous impetus and a forward-looking vision, we remain steadfast in our commitment to enhancing the lives of our customers, making them as beautiful as can be.
We Won't Stop!

Bimer Group Sh.P.K.

Bimer Group Sh.P.K. Bimer Group Sh.P.K. is a specialized company that engages in the wholesale distribution of cosmetic, hygiene, and food products. Our operations have been active in Kosovo since 2010. We embarked on our journey as a modest family enterprise, upholding the longstanding traditions of our family in the business realm. Our initial focus was on introducing the Aura Cosmetics brand to the market, and over the course of several years, we have successfully augmented our assortment to encompass a total of 12 additional brands.
Our main purpose revolves around furnishing our clientele with an extensive array of premium products that seamlessly align with contemporary trends. These products are readily accessible across various marketplaces, cosmetics boutiques, pharmacies, and hair salons spanning the entire expanse of Kosovo.
What distinguishes us is our unwavering commitment to furnishing products of the highest quality. This commitment is mirrored in our meticulous product curation process, undertaken by our proficient staff, and is underpinned by our dedicated customer service. Our team, which comprises youthful and dynamic individuals, boasts a wealth of experience and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. Through the passage of these years, we have triumphed in cultivating the trust of a substantial clientele numbering over 2000. Their resounding endorsement of our quality and service serves as an ongoing wellspring of motivation, impelling us to forge ahead and adapt in accordance with market dynamics and requisites. The merchandise we import attests to an elevated caliber; these products hold certifications and adhere to ISO standards. They hail from countries including Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Serbia.
With a vigorous impetus and a forward-looking vision, we remain steadfast in our commitment to enhancing the lives of our customers, making them as beautiful as can be.
We Won't Stop!